Air Freight
As a leader in global air freight forwarding, OIA Global excels in providing tailored transportation
We are committed to providing our customers with exceptional service while offering our employees
Track your order Our ServicesWe are committed to providing our customers with exceptional service while offering our employees
Our Services Learn MoreWe’ve combined a new kind of doctor’s experience that blends the highest level of health care with exceptional service. People can enroll in membership by paying only an annual membership fee of just $129.
Upon request, HealSoul Health Services staff will provide instructions for individuals whose medical conditions need special attention & additional certificates. A customizable calendar that can be placed anywhere on your websites to boost your revenue
Head Of Idea
As a leader in global air freight forwarding, OIA Global excels in providing tailored transportation
Ocean Freight plays perhaps the most vital role in most transportation and supply chain solutions.
Cargo are transported at some stage of their journey along the world’s roads where we give you a reassuring presence.
Package and store your things effectively and securely to make sure them in storage. best warehouse for your products.
Drone are transported at some stage of their journey along the world’s Drone where we give you a reassuring presence
Continental Rail are transported at some stage of their journey along the world’s roads where we give you a presence.
You can know the Price for your Transportation in Advance. We Offers intellgent concepts for road and tail and well as complex special transport services
Great experience and impressive product. It was a very professional and technically competent job from the whole team.
Excellent app for coin technology and it built on top of potential work. And there are programming assignments record.
Greatest appreciation to you and your team for the outstanding job you did for us. The app is just what we wanted.
All-over delivery done by our team
【环球时报驻巴基斯坦特派记者 程是颉】据巴基斯坦“BOL新闻网”5月31日报道,首个中巴跨境陆运冷藏货柜运抵中国。巴基斯坦“Nawaiwaqt”电子报报道称,这是巴基斯坦海产品集装箱首次以陆路运输的方式,沿着中巴经济走廊从卡拉奇抵达喀什。承运方巴基斯坦萨达·奎因货运公司负责人塔耶布·汗31日对《环球时报》记者介绍,货柜车从巴基斯坦南部的卡拉奇港出发,装载多种急冻海产品,除了常见的鱿鱼、竹蛏、沙丁鱼外,还包括石斑鱼等中国民众爱吃的高价值海产品。货柜车保持零下18摄氏度的低温运送,从卡拉奇到塔什库尔干总计用8天时间。塔耶布·汗介绍,对比航空运输,货柜车的价格明显更低,清关流程等更简便快捷。与船运相比,从卡拉奇港到上海洋山港一般需要28天,陆运时间明显更短,且更适合小批量点对点运输。塔耶布·汗说,本次运输是与中方合作伙伴首次尝试冷藏货柜的跨境陆运,在运送和清关过程中很顺利。目前该线路冷藏货柜运输的成本和定价仍在核算,中方合作伙伴也在探索从巴基斯坦进口更多高价值货物的商机。据巴基斯坦媒体报道,中巴跨境冷藏货柜通过喀喇昆仑公路运输,该公路是中国与巴基斯坦间唯一的陆上交通线,也被称作“中巴友谊公路”。公路翻越喀喇昆仑山脉,通过世界上最高的边境口岸——海拔高度4700余米的红其拉甫口岸。受到高寒降雪等天气因素影响,该公路每年仅在4月至11月通车。巴基斯坦《战斗报》引述专家分析称,当前巴基斯坦正面临外汇短缺危机。该国有丰富的海产品、鲜果等高价值农副产品,推进这些产品出口对巴中两国将是双赢
by Xiong Weisheng BEIJING, June 6 (China Economic Net) – "We are planning
BEIJING: In a significant development, a truck laden with cold chain containers